Latest CS Project Reports, Project Topics, Documentation and Project Materials for Students:
- JAVA, J2EE Projects
- C#.Net, ASP.Net, VB.Net Projects
- Android Projects
- PHP Projects
- C, C++ Projects
- IEEE Projects
JAVA, J2EE Projects with Free Downloads:
- JClone: Syntax tree based clone detection for Java
An unavoidable amount of money is spent on maintaining existing software systems today. Software maintenance cost generally higher than development cost of the system therefore lowering maintenance cost is highly appreciated in software industry… - Graphics System in Vehicle Electronics
In this project three problems areas are studied related to embedded system and device driver programming: a GPS driver, the CAN Bus and study of graphics libraries suitable for embedded systems. The project has two parts: an academic… - A Tailorable Infrastructure to Enhance Mobile Seamless Learning
The widespread use of mobile devices is leading towards their adoption in the learning process, even if some pedagogical challenges are still not fully addressed when integrating mobile-assisted activities into regular curricula activities. In this paper…
>> JAVA Final Year Projects for B.Sc Students with Source Code
>> JAVA, J2EE based Projects, Project Abstracts for Computer Students

B.Sc Computer Science Projects Free Downloads
.Net, C#.Net, ASP.Net, VB.Net based CS Project Free Downloads:
- Classifieds Website like Sulekha using and
The main aim of the project is to provide a complete, ready to run, fully customizable website for listing and managing Classified Advertisements… - Performance and Usability Improvements for Massive Data Grids using Silverlight
TRIMMA Affärsutveckling AB is developing and marketing a business intelligence solution called INSIGHT. INSIGHT presents tables showing possibly very large data sets and the performance and user experience is sometimes suffering…. - Employee Management System in C#.Net and ASP.Net using SQL
Employee Management System is developed in C#.Net and ASP.Net using SQL. It helps to manage the list of employees in an organization. Along with other features, it also stores the trainings attended by each Employee…
>> More .Net Projects for Computer Science Students
Android based Project Downloads with Source Code:
- Enriching Circuit Switched Mobile Phone Calls with Cooperative Web Applications
The thesis investigates the possibility to enrich standard mobile phone calls with cooperative web applications. Originating from the research field known as Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) this thesis report introduces and describes the implementation of several applications which can be… - Android Environment Security
In modern times mobile devices are a increasing technology and malicious users are increasing as well. On a mobile device it often exist valuable private information that a malicious user is interested in and it often has lower security features implemented compared to computers… - Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is a generic term for technologies dealing with autonomous communication between machines. For the last 10 years a wide range of business areas utilize a variety of different M2M solutions for remote management of equipment…
>> More Android Projects with Free Downloads and Source Code for B.Sc Students
PHP based Final Year Project Topics with Project Reports:
- Towards a Classification of Design Patterns for Web Programming
The evolution of WWW leads to continuous growth of demands that are placed on web applications that results in creating sophisticated web architectures. To minimize the complexity behind their design, software frameworks were introduced…. - Student Information System using PHP and MYSQL4
Student’s Information System developed using PHP4 and MYSQL4 allows administrator to insert or edit student details. The process of retrieving the information is flexible, depending upon the requirement of the end user…. - Online Course Registration System in PHP
An Online Course Registration system for University of Dataville is to be developed with a front-end web interface and a back-end database. An example of the system would be University of Florida’s ISIS Registration. Any database system can be chosen as the back-end such as Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server…
>> More Final Year PHP Projects with Base Paper for Computer Students
>> PHP Projects for CS Students
C, C++ Projects with Source Code and Output:
- Chicago: A Multiplayer Card Game based on Client – Server Architecture
Chicago is a game based on a combination of poker and trick card games. We wanted to implement this game as a network based multi user system based on client–server architecture. To do this we had to create a client that would handle the interaction with the user, and a server that would… - A Depth of Field Algorithm for Realtime 3D Graphics in OpenGL
The company where this study was formulated constructs VR applications for the medical environment. The hardware used is ordinary desktops with consumer level graphics cards and haptic devices. In medicine some operations require microscopes or cameras. In order to simulate these in a… - Compiling the Parallel Programming language NestStep to the CELL processor
The goal of this project is to create a source-to-source compiler which will translate NestStep code to C code. The compiler’s job is to replace NestStep constructs with a series of function calls to the NestStep runtime system…
>> More C,C++ Projects for Final Year CS Students
IEEE Projects for Computer Science Students:
- A New Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction using Mathematical Morphology
Morphological openings and closings are useful for the smoothing of grayscale images. However, their use for image noise reduction is limited by their tendency to remove important, thin features from an image along with the noise. This paper is a description and analysis of a… - Network Admission Control (NAC) Securing End Point Devices
There have been remarkable growths in wireless communication networks in recent years; this is because of its merits over the wired networks such as Mobility and convenience. Wireless networks transmit the signal over the open air via radio waves of different frequencies, this makes it to be vulnerable to several attacks… - Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Systems
This paper is concerned with the performance evaluation of fingerprint verification systems. After an initial classification of biometric testing initiatives, we explore both the theoretical and practical issues related to performance evaluation by presenting the outcome…
>> More CSE IEEE Projects with Downloads
>> IEEE CSE Projects for B.Sc Students