We have list out heaps of IEEE projects for final year engineering students (CSE, ECE, IT, EEE ). We are specialists to develop IEEE projects on data mining, mobile computing, big data, Hadoop, wireless communication networking, cloud computing, embedded systems, web based projects, digital signal processing, android app development, power system, power electronics, VLSI, network security, digital image processing, internet of things (IOT) and so on.

IEEE Final Year Projects
IEEE Project Downloads for ECE Students
- Download Application of IEEE 802.15.4 for Home Network
To implement a utility wireless sensor network, investigation of different wireless protocols has been performed. The protocols are Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee. Consecutively literature studies have made it… - Download Robo Design to pick everyday objects
In this project, you can learn how robotic technology can improve the lives of people with disabilities to help them pick everyday objects. In the laboratory, Lego Mindstorms NXT kits are used to create an artificial arm or hand that can lift small objects, such as a coffee cup… - Vision-Based Eye-Gaze Tracking for Human Computer Interface
Human-computer interaction has become an increasingly important part of our daily lives. The movement of user’s eyes can provide a convenient, natural and high-bandwidth source of input. By tracking the direction of… - Transformer Thermal Modeling: Improving Reliability Using Data Quality Control
Eventually all large transformers will be dynamically loaded using models updated regularly from field measured data. Models obtained from measured data give more accurate results than models based on transformer… - Reliable Control of Ship-Mounted Satellite Tracking Antenna
Motorized antenna is a key element in overseas satellite telecommunication. The control system directs the on-board antenna toward a chosen satellite while the high sea waves disturb the antenna. Certain faults… - Noise Reduction Based on Partial-Reference, Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Shrinkage
This paper presents a novel way to reduce noise introduced or exacerbated by image enhancement methods, in particular algorithms based on the random spray sampling technique, but not only. According to…
>> List of Final Year IEEE ECE Project Abstracts, Project Topics and PDF Downloads
>> List of IEEE Electronics Final Year Student Project Ideas and Project Reports
IEEE Base Paper Downloads for B.E/ B.Tech EEE
- Expansion of Dynamic Simulation Model for a Distributed Generator Unintentional Islanding Detection Scheme
The interconnection of distributed resources requires specific voltage regulation, monitoring, protective relaying, power quality, and islanding detection. For this reason IEEE established standard IEEE 1547 that… - Blind PARAFAC Receivers for DS-CDMA Systems
This paper links the direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) multiuser separation-equalization-detection problem to the parallel factor (PARAFAC) model, which is an analysis tool rooted in… - DVB-H: Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices
This paper gives a brief review of the new Digital Video Broadcasting—Handheld (DVB-H) standard. This is based on the earlier standard DVB-T, which is used for terrestrial digital TV broadcasting. The new… - Bridging two CAN-bus Segments using Radio Communication with the IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol
This thesis will investigate the possibilities to wireless communicate within time critical applications with the radio protocol IEEE 802.15.4. IEEE 802.15.4 is a very quick protocol so the delays and jitter… - A Single-Stage Grid Connected Inverter Topology for Solar PV Systems With Maximum Power Point Tracking
This paper proposes a high performance, single-stage inverter topology for grid connected PV systems. The proposed configuration can not only boost the usually low photovoltaic (PV) array voltage, but can also… - Rescue and Protection System for Underground Mine Workers based on Zigbee
This paper addresses an economical, supple, continuous monitoring system of underground mine worker’s protection and security. A module of MEMS based sensors are used for monitoring underground parameters…
>> List of Final Year IEEE EEE Project Abstracts, Project Topics and PDF Downloads
>> List of IEEE Electrical Final Year Student Project Ideas and Project Reports
IEEE Final Year Project Ideas and Project Downloads for CSE
- A Web-based Game-Oriented College Selection System Employing Fuzzy Rule Trees
Our web-based interactive game-playing-oriented college selection system acts as an smart advisor/mentor and helps students, parents, and teachers use an effective graphical user interface to efficiently search… - Dynamic Conflict-Free Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries
With the emergence of high data rate sensor network applications, there is an increasing demand for high-performance query services. To meet this challenge, we propose Dynamic Conflict-free… - Rich Intrinsic Image Separation for Multi-View Outdoor Scenes
Intrinsic images aim at separating an image into its reflectance and illumination components to facilitate further analysis or manipulation. This separation is severely ill-posed and the most successful… - Network Admission Control (NAC) Securing End Point Devices
There have been remarkable growths in wireless communication networks in recent years; this is because of its merits over the wired networks such as Mobility and convenience. Wireless networks transmit the signal over… - PMSE: A Personalized Mobile Search Engine
We propose a personalized mobile search engine, PMSE, that captures the user’s preferences in the form of concepts by mining their click through data. Due to the importance of location information in mobile… - Online Fingerprint Verification
Fingerprint verification is one of the most reliable personal identification methods. However, manual fingerprint verification is so tedious, time-consuming, and expensive that it is incapable of meeting…
>> List of IEEE CSE Final Year Projects, Project Topics and Free Base Paper Downloads
>> List of Final Year IEEE Computer Engineering Student Project Ideas and Project Reports
IEEE Project Downloads for MCA Students
- Socratenon – a Web-based Training System with an Intellect in Java
The main goal of the project called Socratenon was to build a new Web-based training environment that would go beyond traditional ones. In the open literature, there are several solutions… - Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image
Image denoising algorithms often assume an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) process that is independent of the actual RGB values. Such approaches cannot effectively remove color noise produced by today’s… - A Strategy to Manage Cache Consistency in a Disconnected Distributed Environment
Modern distributed systems involving large number of nonstationary clients (mobile hosts, MH) connected via unreliable low-bandwidth communication channels are very prone to frequent disconnections… - A Robust Push-to-Talk Service for Wireless Mesh Network
Push-to-Talk (PTT) is a useful capability for rapidly deployable wireless mesh networks used by first responders. PTT allows several users to speak with each other while using a single, half-duplex…
>> List of IEEE MCA Final Year Projects & Project Ideas
>> List of Final Year IEEE MCA Students Free Project Reports
IEEE Final Year Project Titles and Ideas
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing:
- Efficient Authentication in Multicast Networks
- Cache Consistency in Mobile Environments
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing:
- Up in the Air: Moving Your Applications to the Cloud
IEEE Digital Signal Processing Projects:
- Active Noise Cancellation With a Fuzzy Adaptive Filtered-X Algorithm
- Design And Analysis of Bit Interleaved Coded Space-Time Modulatio
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