Main Project Topics for Computer Science Engineering B.E/B.Tech (CS/IT), B.Sc (CS), M.Sc (CS/IT), M.E/M.Tech (CS/IT) Students with Free Project Downloads with Full Source Code
- Big Data Projects
- Cloud Computing Projects
- Mobile Computing Projects
- Java/J2EE Projects
- .Net Projects
- PHP Projects
- SQL Projects
- Other Computer Projects
- Computer Science Final Year Project Topics

Computer Science Final Year Projects
Big Data Project Topics for College Projects
- Managing Uncertainty and Ontologies in Databases
Nowadays a vast amount of data is generated in Extensible Markup Language (XML). However, it is necessary for applications in some domains to store and manipulate uncertain information, e.g. when the sensor inputs are noisy, or we want to store data that is uncertain. Another big change we… - Reusing Results in Big Data Frameworks
Big Data analysis has been a very hot and active research during the past few years. It is getting hard to efficiently execute data analysis task with traditional data warehouse solutions. Parallel processing platforms and parallel dataflow systems running on top of them are increasingly popular… - Large Iterative Multitier Ensemble Classifiers for Security of Big Data
This paper introduces and investigates large iterative multitier ensemble (LIME) classifiers specifically tailored for big data. These classifiers are very large, but are quite easy to generate and use. They can be so large that it makes sense to use them only for big data. They are generated automatically as…
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Cloud Computing Projects, Project Topics for Students
- Cloud Computing with PHP – Using Amazon S3 with the Zend Framework
Cloud computing promises unlimited disk space for users and applications. In an ideal world, accessing that storage would be as easy as accessing a local hard drive. Unfortunately, the basic APIs of most cloud storage services force programmers to think about protocols and configuration details instead of… - M2M: A Simple MATLAB-to-Map Reduce Translator for Cloud Computing
MapReduce is a very popular parallel programming model for cloud computing platforms, and has become an effective method for processing massive data byusing a cluster of computers. X-to-MapReduce (X is a program language) translator is a possible solution to help traditional programmers easily… - Cloud Computing Evaluation: How it Differs to Traditional IT Outsourcing
Cloud Computing, that is providing computer resources as a service, is a technology revolution offering flexible IT usage in a cost efficient and pay-per-use way. As for the evaluation of companies to whether which technology solution to use, it would be necessary to decide whether or not the evaluation of cloud computing would actually differ to the traditional way of IT outsourcing. Outsourcing IT capabilities are…
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Mobile Computing Project Topics & Free Downloads for Students
- A Caching Model for Real-Time Databases in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Although caching has been shown to be an efficient technique to improve the performance of database systems, it also introduces the overhead and complexity in maintaining data consistency between the primary copies on servers and the cached copies on clients. Little research has been performed for data caching… - Robust Communication for Location-Aware Mobile Robots using Motes
The best mode of communication for a team of mobile robots deployed to cooperatively perform a particular task is through exchange of messages. To facilitate such exchange, a communication network is required. When successful execution of the task hinges on communication, the network needs to… - Software Defined Networking With Pseudonym Systems for Secure Vehicular Clouds
The vehicular cloud is a promising new paradigm, where vehicular networking and mobile cloud computing are elaborately integrated to enhance the quality of vehicular information services. Pseudonym is a resource for vehicles to protect their location privacy, which should be…
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Java, J2EE &J2ME Project Ideas & Full Project Report for Students
- Hospital Management in JAVA
The Hospital Management project helps to control the room allocation, medicine, prescriptions, payments, etc. Also, the administrator can register new employees and give the required rights to them… - Robust Multiclass Classification for Learning From Imbalanced Biomedical Data
Imbalanced data is a common and serious problem in many biomedical classification tasks. It causes a bias on the training of classifiers and results in lower accuracy of minority classes prediction. This problem has attracted a lot of research interests in the past decade. Unfortunately, most… - Large Iterative Multitier Ensemble Classifiers for Security of Big Data
This paper introduces and investigates large iterative multitier ensemble (LIME) classifiers specifically tailored for big data. These classifiers are very large, but are quite easy to generate and use. They can be so large that it makes sense to use them only for big data. They are generated automatically as a result of several iterations in applying ensemble meta classifiers. They incorporate diverse ensemble meta…
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.NET, ASP.NET, VB .NET, C# .NET Projects for B.E (CSE) Students with Source Code
- CTG Carbon Calculator in ASP.Net
A carbon dioxide emission calculator for buildings created by the U.S.-based company CTG Energetics, Inc. and based on a Excel file has been converted to a ASP.NET / SQL Server web application. Carbon dioxide emissions are calculated using data given by the user (i.e. floor area, workdays per year) in… - Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System in and MySQL
Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System is the enquiry system which operates based on the voice input given by the user. There is no communication which is understood more appropriately than voice. This system too uses the voice commands and gives the required information in the form of voice… - A Scientifically Experimental Approach to the Simulation of Designer Activity in the Conceptual Designing of Software Intensive Systems
The success of designing software intensive systems (SISs) may be improved by incorporating experimentation to be part of the design process. This paper presents a scientific approach to experimentation on objects that are units of designers’ behavior and is aimed at solving project tasks in…
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PHP Projects with Free Project Downloads for Engineering Students
- Wiki/Blog Content Management System in PHP
WikyBlog is a CMS/Groupware application written in PHP/MySQL that fuses collaborative editing features of wikis with user friendly publishing characteristics of blogs. MediaWiki derived wiki syntax, AJAX enhanced, UTF8 and extendable (google maps). Designed for speed and ease of use, WikyBlog has… - Pharmacy Management System in PHP + MySQL
This Pharmacy Management System is developed in PHP using MySql as the database. Receips and invoices are generated using TCPDF (TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions… - A Tailorable Infrastructure to Enhance Mobile Seamless Learning
The widespread use of mobile devices is leading towards their adoption in the learning process, even if some pedagogical challenges are still not fully addressed when integrating mobile-assisted activities into regular curricula activities. In this paper, we first define some…
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SQL based Project Abstracts and Project Topics
- Design and Implementation of an Environment to Support Development of Methods for Security Assessment
There is no debate over the importance of IT security. Equally important is the research on security assessment; methods for evaluating the security of IT systems. The Swedish Defense Research Agency has for the last couple of years been conducting research on the area of security assessment… - Top-K Query Processing in Edge-Labeled Graph Data
Edge-labeled graphs have proliferated rapidly over the last decade due to the increased popularity of social networks and the Semantic Web. In social networks, relationships between people are represented by edges and each edge is labeled with a semantic annotation. Hence, a huge single graph… - Employee Management System in C#.Net and ASP.Net using SQL
Employee Management System is developed in C#.Net and ASP.Net using SQL. It helps to manage the list of employees in an organization. Along with other features, it also stores the trainings attended by each Employee…
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Other Projects for B.E (CSE) Students with Free Source Code
- Voice Mail System for IP Multimedia Sub-system
The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) framework as an architectural framework to deliver multimedia services is under rapid development, to become the next generation… - Temporal Treemaps for Visualizing Time Series Data
Treemap is an interactive graphical technique for visualizing large hierarchical information spaces using nested rectangles in a space filling manner. The size and color of the rectangles show data attributes and enable users to spot trends, patterns or exceptions. Current implementations of… - Web Auction in EJB
Auctions have been used from very old times antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this project, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are interdependent – the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to others and asymmetric. In this setting, it is well known that sealed-bid auctions do not achieve…
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Computer Science Final Year Project Topics and Ideas
- Hotel Management System VB Net
- Human Resources Management System VB Net
- Inventory System VB Net
- Membership Management System VB Net
- Patient Care System VB Net
- Send SMS To Cell Phone Through SMTP Mail VB Net
- Trainee Management System VB Net
- Cryptographically Using Secure Server/Client Protocol VC++
- Intrusion Detection Prevention And Trace back Systems VC++
- Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten and Digits VC++
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