This article gives tips on how to document your project report. If you would like to know how to present your project to the audience Continue reading
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Final Year Project Tips
How to Prepare a Project Report for your Final Year Project
You can follow the below order and content for preparing your final project report:
• Table of Contents
• Abstract
You begin your Final Report with a Abstract. Write this section last as it is here that you will step back and give an overview of what has been achieved. In one page, certainly not more than two, list the main features of your project, what problem you were solving and how you solved it. Continue reading
Tips on Presenting the Results of your Project in Project Report
One of the most important parts of the report is the presentation of results. However, do not simply include massive printouts of raw data. That will be virtually unintelligible to a Continue reading
How to Prepare Project Synopsis
Synopsis, preferably, should be of about 3-4 pages. The content should be as brief as is sufficient enough to explain the objective and implementation of the project that the candidate is going to Continue reading
Final Project Report Format/Template
General Format of Final Year Project Report:
- Cover Page
- Acknowledgement Continue reading
Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation
Here is an outline for a successful technical presentation:
Part 1: Specify what problem (topic) is being addressed. Continue reading